

feel so regret that i had deleted those things :(
i am immature, childish and impulsive girl
when i hate somethings and dont want to see it
i will choose to get rid of the things from my eye sight
that is delete everything
and now i regret :(
it is a happy, precious memories
how could i just deleted because of some stupid reasons
I am not expert in showing my emotion in front of my loves one
whenever i happy i will smile
but not in front of you
this is what call "shy"
 people will shy in front of lover, wont we?

whenever i want to cry
i also wont cry in front of you
i will just pretend to smile in front of you
because i dont want to act like i am a loser and very weak
i want to be strong in front of you

recall the memories
i feel that i treat you really bad
sorry for keep hurting you last time

i still smile when recall the memories
because it was a happy memory between us
thanks for everything :)

i love to recall memories
doesnt mean that i am still in love

 That's me :)

